Klotho Biochemicals in Jmol
Klotho Biochemicals in Jmol
Note: Amines are not generally depicted correctly in this database. A trivalent nitrogen atom adjacent to an sp2 center will generally become sp2 itself.
jsmol/klotho/index.htm from the Jmol/JSmol distribution Notes by Bob Hanson 10/11/2017 part of the JMOL UNPLUGGED (TM) collection, Jmol Unplugged (Jmol Desenchufado) is a joint project between Bob Hanson, St. Olaf College and the University of San Simon, Cochabamba, Bolivia, providing internet-free browser-based access to the best of 3D molecular visualization. Jmol Unplugged originated in October, 2017, as a part of Fulbright Specialist Project FSP-P001203, "3D Molecular Visualization for Chemistry" Edwin Escalara, UMSS Klotho reference: Wise, W. B., J. Holcomb, and T. Kazic, 2000. Klotho: a Tutorial and Manual. IBC technical report Klotho: Biochemical Compounds Declarative Database created by Toni Kazic, Andrej Bugrim, Francis Fabrizio, Brian Feng, Jason Holcomb, Fumio Sawa, Jakub Slomczynski, and William Wise although the site http://www.biocheminfo.org/klotho is no more, it lives on as http://web.archive.org/web/20011205065732/http://www.ibc.wustl.edu:80/klotho/