Installation instructions for Osdag in Ubuntu. ========================================================================================= System Requirements: Operating System: Ubuntu 14.04 (LTS) and later; 64-bit Hardware Requirements: Minimum 4 Gb RAM Minimum of 2 Gb of free disk space This setup script is for machines running Ubuntu that do not have Miniconda2. If you have Miniconda2 already installed on your computer, please skip Step/Command 1 and proceed to Step/Command 2. ========================================================================================= Installation steps: Extract the downloaded installer using the Archive Manager/File-Roller, or using the following command on the bash prompt: tar -xvf Osdag_ubuntu_installer_2017.08.a.e2dd.tar.gz # If you have already installed the previous version of Osdag in your system then skip Step/Command 1) and just run the new In bash, navigate to the extracted installation folder containing the shell scripts (the folder that contains this README file) and a folder named Osdag, and enter Command 1 and Command 2 given below. Note: After entering Command 1, while installing Miniconda2, you will be asked whether you wish to set the system default python to Miniconda2. You need to agree to this, in order for the second command to work. Alternatively, you may manually execute the steps in the script, and specify the python version while calling pip to install pdfkit. Step/Command 1: bash Step/Command 2: bash ========================================================================================= Running Osdag: After the installation is complete, you may copy/move the extracted Osdag folder to a location of your choice (say, directly under your home folder). You can run Osdag in two ways 1) Using the Osdag Launcher: To run Osdag, navigate to the Osdag folder, double click on the file named Osdag (without any extension). This file is different from Osdag_icon.ico (although both will show the Osdag logo in the grid icon view mode). If you are using the Unity desktop, you may also pin this launcher to the launcher sidebar. 2) Using the Command: In the bash prompt, navigate to the Osdag directory and enter the following command python Note that, Step/Command 2 will work only if the system default python is the one installed through Miniconda2. Alternatively, you may specify the (installed) python you wish to use, in Command 2. =========================================================================================